[/QUOTE]Originally posted by Lander:
The first step of self-discovery is self-reflection
Best of luck with your quest.
used as a function word with a noun modified by an adjective or by an attributive noun to limit the application of the modified noun to that specified by the adjective or by the attributive noun <the right answer> <Peter the Great> (2) -- used as a function word before an absolute adjective or an ordinal number <nothing but the best> <due on the first> b (1) -- used as a function word before a noun to limit its application to that specified by a succeeding element in the sentence.
Of course you continue to make arbitrary conclusions; "the" could very well have been "a", or "any".
Of course this implies a known order of things, usually learned from experience, which I'm sure you've had plenty of, in the self-aggrandizement category.
Now this implies the only method to achievment is via one constrained type of mobility. I may very well be on wheels, so stepping would be quite difficult.
Once again presumptive without factual basis, nothing new for you.
6 a -- used as a function word to indicate belonging or a possessive relationship <king of England> b -- used as a function word to indicate relationship between a result determined by a function or operation and a basic entity (as an independent variable) <a function of x> <the product of two numbers>
Implying that self-discovery soley involves steps is to deny the fact that this is only one of many possible methods. See "epiphany"
At least this is a constructive end to seek rather than an obsession you can't seem to ditch:
And being able to change one's beliefs through cafeful introspection is a dynamic process as opposed to being a static, worthless knuckle-head of which you are the poster child.
Perhaps you may try the latter to discover how ridiculous your methods are, and maybe put up that copy of "The Idiots Guide to Philosophy."
I'd tell you to go f*%k yourself, but you enjoy that too much for it to be punitive.
Onanistic prima donna.
Sure could use a trim
[This message was edited by cussin'it on May 23, 2004 at 04:08 PM.]